Discrimination, Harassment & 报复

正如在 University’s Discrimination 和 Harassment 政策, the University will not tolerate any unlawful discrimination, 骚扰, 或者性别暴力 of any kind. When the University becomes aware that a member of the University community may have been subjected to or affected by discrimination, 骚扰, 或者性别暴力, the University will take prompt, appropriate action to enforce this policy. The University’s Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX (“EOIX”) is responsible for enforcing this policy pursuant to the University’s Comprehensive Discrimination 和 Harassment Procedures 和 Title IX Sexual Harassment Procedures, which offer options for informal 和 formal resolution.

Reports or complaints of discrimination, 骚扰, 或者性别暴力 should be made directly to the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX by contacting the office at:


30室2050 E. 埃文斯大道

丹佛,CO 80208


电子邮件: Equalopportunity@madjuo.com or TitleIX@madjuo.com

网站: http://pjtjto.madjuo.com/equalopportunity

网上申报表格: Equal Opportunity Online Report Form

University policy prohibits retaliation against any student, 教师, or staff for good faith reporting or filing a complaint of discrimination or 骚扰, participating in the investigation of a complaint (including serving as a witness, 管理, or assisting in an investigation), or assisting in an investigation 和/or resolution of a report under this policy, or other form of good faith opposition to what an individual reasonably believes to be discrimination or 骚扰 under the policy.

University employees must report conduct prohibited under the University’s Discrimination 和 Harassment 政策 that they have witnesses or about which they otherwise have knowledge. For more information regarding an employee's responsibility for reporting suspected violations of the University's Discrimination 和 Harassment 政策, 请参阅 的保单.
